
The school's quality standards related to E+
Inclusion and diversity
The coordinators will make sure that access to E+ is granted for all STS with a focus on gender equality and STS with fewer opportunities in financial/cultural/language/social respect. The school and the E+ coordinators will support participants in their organisation of mobilities and preparatory courses or language courses are offered in order to facilitate the participation in mobilities. STS will be included in E+ activities according to their skills and motivation and individualisation will be applied if needed in order to include STS with fewer opportunities. E+ activities will also be offered in a maximum of classes so that all STS can participate. Information about E+ will be passed on to a maximum of stakeholders at school to promote E+ and to motivate as many STS to participate in E+ activities.
Environmental sustainability and responsibility
The school has a coordination team in relation to "Green Sustainability". During the next years the school will promote topics and activities in relation to green sustainability in relation to the "Green Deal" and "Sustainable Development Goals". The school community will develop strategies on how to implement sustainable life at school but also in STS' private lives. The school will foster activities and projects in which STS reflect on how to change their behaviour and to protect our environment in a sustainable way. The school will also participate in ecological, regional and international cooperations and certifications on sustainability e.g. UNESCO: SDGs, ÖKOLOG, Österreichisches Umweltzeichen, Klimschutzbündnis, annual international students' conference: Caretakers of the Environment International. The school will also carry out school based projects on sustainability in order to actively imply STS in the recognision and implementation of sustainable responsibility and thinking.
Digital education
The school is already an "eEducation Expert School", also has a team that coordinates digital education and eLearning. There is also an eBuddy system of older students who teach younger students in eSafety. The school stragegy is to educate all lower grades in general digitial skills. Special focus is put on first graders who have very limited skills to use learning and communication platforms like TEAMS or Moodle. The school gradually offers special training in a wide range of digital skills and also the implementation and use of these skills in normal classes. The school will also foster the implementation of digital skills and eSafety in eTwinning and E+ activities. In higher grades the school will continue with laptop classes and special subjects in which digital education plays an important role: film and media workshops, programming and robotics, etc. digital devices, applications and eLearning platforms will be used in all higher grades- combined with blended learning.
Active participation in the network of Erasmus organisations
The school has already a EU network of schools through which a wide range of activities is carried out. The E+ coordinators will boost activities in the field of EU cooperation espcially with EU institutions. STS will be invited/motivated to participate in eTwinning/E+ activities and visits of EU institutions. There are two teachers who participate in a special training on "Education and Europe" in order to have experts on EU matters at school. The E+ coordinators have applied to become ambassador schools of the EU Parliament which means that the school will offer special cooperation with EU institutions where STS will participate in an active way in the next years. The E+ coordinators will also continue with students' exchanges and enlarge the school's offer by individual mobilities in EU. The school will also make use of E+ offers given by the Styrian school authorities in order to offer as many E+ opportunities for STS.
Von der Europäischen Union finanziert. Die geäußerten Ansichten und Meinungen entsprechen jedoch ausschließlich denen des Autors bzw. der Autoren und spiegeln nicht zwingend die der Europäischen Union oder der OeAD-GmbH wider. Weder die Europäische Union noch die OeAD-GmbH können dafür verantwortlich gemacht werden.